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- Presse | Mindturn
Presse og meddelelser Som medie er du meget velkommen til at kontakte Mindturn og Kim Østergaard for yderligere udtalelser i relation til investeringerne. Samt også med generelle eller ekspert udtalelser indenfor SaaS, CDP, Omnichannel retail og kommunikation samt relaterede. 01 Avecdo ITWatch har omtalt vores investering i feedplatformen Avecdo. Læs hele artiklen hos ITWatch her . Martech24 har også omtalt investeringen i Avecdo . 02 ServiceStyring Læs vores pressemeddelelser for investeringen i planlægnings- og faktureringsplatformen ServiceStyring. Læs som PDF.
- Kontakt | Mindturn
Contact Mindturn Mindturn ApS Rølkjær 4 6600 Vejen info@mindturn.com Mobile +45 42 555 555
- Om Mindturn | Kim Østergaard
About Mindturn We invest knowledge and capital with ❤️ in SaaS companies founded by ambitious founders Mindturn investerer udelukkende i SaaS virksomheder, der sælger til B2B med kunder i abonnement. Kun på den måde kan vi tilføre højt specialiseret viden til din virksomhed. Og lynhurtigt identificere de 100 håndtag, der vil give høj vækst og stabiliseret drift. Vi vil være Danmarks førende investor indenfor SaaS med B2B kunder i abonnement. Mindturn was founded by Kim Østergaard, 45, who has solid experience from SaaS companies with commercialization and development. As well as extensive experience in omnichannel c ommerce and marketing. Both in own companies, as online director in the fashion group Bestseller - and in the consulting role for large national and international companies. Most recently, Kim Østergaard bootstrapped marketing automation company MarketingPlatform (formerly called MailPlatform), over 10 years built it to international level and successfully sold it to the Nordic region's largest listed communications company for a three-digit million amount. All changes start in the mind; therefore we are called Mindturn. Kim Østergaard Partner & Founder kim@mindturn.com Mobile +45 42 555 555 We do not invest in webshops or trading companies
- Mindturn | Viden og Kapital til din Saas virksomhed
SaaS Knowledge and Capital with ❤️ for passionate founders Many years of experience in software and omnichannel marketing in growth companies Read more about Mindturn This is how we invest in your company Vi vil være Danmarks bedste investor indenfor SaaS, abonnement og B2B. Og tilføre stor værdi med ❤️ til din virksomhed - softwareinvesteringerne viderefører vi i OneProgram
- Investeringer | Mindturn
Investments Among other things, we have invested in the companies below, all of which have great growth potential. If you would like to collaborate with one of the companies, please contact the company's management. Name on the road Integration between many different platforms, with special focus on content Name on the road Integration with a focus on financial data and logistics solutions Name on the road Creating and maintaining employee engagement Name on the road We need to take care of our environment, this company is actively working on that Link Mobility Blandt europas førende CPaaS leverandører, stærke på SMS og Email mm. www.linkmobility.com HjemIgen Byggefirma med typehuse til en skarp pris på fair vilkår www.hjemigen.com Ny investering Indenfor SaaS med B2B kunder i abonnement. Kunne det være din virksomhed vi skal hjælpe? Ny investering Indenfor SaaS med B2B kunder i abonnement. Kunne det være din virksomhed vi skal hjælpe?
- Mindturn modellen | Mindturn
Mindturn model For us, it is important that you, as a passionate founder, retain control of your business. We call it investing with ❤️ Mindturn investerer udelukkende i SaaS virksomheder, der sælger til B2B med kunder i abonnement. Kun på den måde kan vi tilføre højt specialiseret viden til din virksomhed. Og lynhurtigt identificere de 100 håndtag, der vil give høj vækst og stabiliseret drift. Vi vil være Danmarks førende investor indenfor SaaS med B2B kunder i abonnement. Ønsker du som founder at sælge majoriteten til os, så indgår vi gerne i den dialog også. The vast majority of entrepreneurs within Software as a Service lack more knowledge than they lack money. In fact, research based on 200 successful SaaS companies shows that timing accounts for 42% of the reason for success. Followed by the right team and the right execution by 32%. The idea accounts for 28%, the business model 24% and the funding alone accounts for 14% in the most successful software companies. Funding arises as a natural reaction to the other causes. If the timing is right, the team is good and the idea holds water - then the funding always comes. Therefore, we only invest in SaaS companies where we can actively make a difference for founders. And primarily in companies with a B2B focus or B2B-like focus. The vast majority of investments are a combination of knowledge and capital. But we only want a small stake in your business. For us, it is important that founders retain control. These are founders who must go happy at work, fight for the company and have by far the greatest benefit from a divestment. Typically, we take a 5% stake for an investment with knowledge, and in special cases want to buy an additional 5%. Primarily to achieve a more favorable taxation of dividends.
- Blog | Mindturn
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